Thursday, August 7, 2008

atlanta photographers guild

After a light july which I recently talked about, I had the good fortune of finding some time to go to an Atlanta Photographers Guild meeting. I had been trying to get to one for a few months but something always stood in the way. They meet at this little bar near downtown Atlanta and when I showed up I was surprised by how many people where there. I can see why. They had about 6 models to shoot and a great environment for it. What a blast and how fun it was to take some pictures.

Here is one that I took of one of the models. I tried to create an interesting environment for all my shots. Not just a color or background, but an element that made the image of the model have more impact. I think this is a good example of that effort and it is actually my favorite image. I think the snake is so cool and adds a nice touch. Her back to the snake was unplanned but interesting. I could probably contrive some symbolism but it was unintentional.

Like I said, it was great to shoot and I am looking forward to the next time.

1 comment:

Brian Bastinelli said...


I really like this image. I like the set up as well as your treatment of it.

But I like all of your work, so this is no suprise.

I wish we had groups such as this around us to be able to attend shoots like this.

Nice job, look forward to seeing more.