Wednesday, December 19, 2007

you can't fake passion

I am interested in people who are passionate about something...anything. Passion for your spouse, your career, sports, a favorite college team, photography or your children are all wonderful. True passion cannot be forced or faked. It shows.

My kids go to a wonderful school with wonderful teachers. I was at a holiday program this week with my camera of course. I wandered around the room as the kids ate christmas cookies and laughed and played. I was fortunate to catch this moment between my oldest son and one of his teachers. They were saying goodbye to one another for the holidays. Mrs. Smith grabbed him and hugged him and kissed him. I think this picture illustrates her passion for children and teaching. She has worked at the same preschool for a long time and you wouldn't do that if you weren't passionate about children.

I saw her the next night at another school program and she walked past me in tears. She told me she cried every year at the older children's christmas story. I love seeing this kind of emotion whether it is giving my child a kiss goodbye for the holidays or watching others sing some songs. She is exactly the kind of teacher that I want my children around and I am glad that I had the chance to photograph some great memories. She has passion and it shows.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I remember having some teachers like that growing up. The others, I don't remember.