Friday, July 11, 2008

goodsell amplifiers #4

As I mentioned before this is the biggest shoot that I have done and one thing I learned in the process is surrounding yourself with excellent people is a key to success. No bigger example of this is the assistance I had from Craig Tanner. He agreed to assist me and I would not have been achieve half of the shots without his help. I have to admit it was a bit strange being assisted by your instructor, but it didn't phase him so I tried not to let it get to me. Craig handled all of the set up details. We would talk about it, I would get his suggestions, then he would set it up. This allowed me to talk with Richard and the girls about what we were doing next and what I was looking for. Like I said, Craig was tremendous and it didn't stop at the end of the day. His encouragement continues and I am grateful.

A good hair and makeup person can make a huge difference as well. I hired Nancy Hancock ( to take care of the girls hair and makeup. She was a great addition to our team. This shot of Tamra helps demonstrate her talent. The girls looked beautiful when they walked in but Nancy transformed them into Goodsell Girls and they looked stunning. Good hair and makeup takes time and this is something I need to prepare for when working in these situations. We started the girls getting ready when we got to the studio and we ended up waiting for them to get done which hurt our ability to get all the shots we wanted. I should have had the girls get with Nancy earlier so they were ready to go when we got to the studio. Considering that minor issue, this was money well spent and I look forward to working with Nancy again.

With respect to this shot, Tamra did not like it all that much. She liked it somewhat better in this toned version, but the color version did nothing for her. Richard and I found it a personal favorite of ours. Too bad I forgot the amp in this one.

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