Tuesday, November 27, 2007

what makes me uncomfortable

The very few regular readers (thanks ma!) of my blog will know that I have grown a bit of an attachment towards homeless people I meet while doing street photography.  The reasons for this attraction is still unknown to me but what I hope I am doing through my photography is representing them in an honest but respectful way.  Time will tell whether I can do something meaningful but until then I will keep photographing people that strike me as interesting regardless of where they live.

I met Jack Sparrow in Deland, Florida over the Thanksgiving holiday.  He found me walking the streets trying to find something interesting to shoot.  As I walked by he asked me for a cigarette and I told him I couldn't help him and kept moving along.  I came back by about 15 minutes later and this time he asked me for $2 and change to buy some cigarettes.  A slight change of tack but I still resisted and launched upon my soapbox.  I told him that I would have been more likely to give him a few bucks to get something to drink before I would give him money for cigarettes.

This seemed to get his interest...that is my interest in him made him much more animated.  We talked about me being from Atlanta and being in Deland for the holidays.  He told me where he and his friends found a place to sleep where the cops won't find them.  We had a good conversation for several minutes.  I asked him who popped him in the eye because he had a nice shiner.  He laughed and avoided the topic.  His reluctance was probably his way to say that I can get only so close to his life on the streets but some things are better left alone.  

I told him he could have the $5 that I had in my pocket on two conditions.  First, he can't buy any cigarettes with the money.  Second, he had to let me take his picture so I can get his shiner.  Neither were tough for him to agree to.  I took several shots and thanked him.

As I walked away he called to me to come back.  He had a joke that he wanted to tell me that I really do not remember.  As he told the story he got out of his seat and approached me.  As it went on he reached out and tried to grab both of my arms.  I simply said "man, don't touch me".  I had encouraged him to befriend me in a way by talking openly with him and when he did it became too much.  That is a bit disappointing to me.  I hope he remembered me positively as he enjoyed every one of those marlboros.