Monday, September 17, 2007


Colby and I met at The Next Step workshop. I did not really get a good feel for who Colby was until about 5 minutes before I left for home on Sunday. I had a pretty tough time during the afternoon on Sunday. As we were breaking up, Colby walked up to me and thanked me for sharing my story and my emotions. I was taken back by his thoughtfulness. For some reason I did not think that he would appreciate those types of emotions, but I was wrong and I am glad I was able to understand him better after that exchange.

Colby also reached out to me with some insight and suggestions for me after I got back to Atlanta. Colby, I do appreciate your caring. Thank you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Colby is a good man, with a big imp on his back. We spent a bit of time working together on the workshop and he has a big heart.