Saturday, September 15, 2007


Jim is a friend I met at The Next Step workshop. Yeah, I will probably talk about this workshop for a while. It is that important. Anyway Jim is a film director and cinematographer from Colorado. We filled out a questionaire prior to the workshop that asked about what kind of artist we would want to be if not a photographer. I said I would want to be a filmmaker. I have always found movies a wonderful expression of ideas and stories. Good filmaking always leaves a little to your imagination just like a good photograph. Jim's photography demonstrates that.

Jim instantly drew me in. I felt comfortable with him very quickly and was able to joke around with ease. He has a way of turning the spotlight towards you, but I guess good filmmakers do that all the time. I said that Jim was one of my favorite faces to photograph during the workshop. He just has a look. I took this photograph and liked it for the lighting. He mentioned his favorite movie was Citizen Kane. I am not sure whether Orson Welles would have lit a face like this but I like it.

Thanks Jim.


Unknown said...

He's inspired me to go back and watch CK all over again. It's been a while.

phelan said...

I thank you for the very kind words, I'm not crazy about "I am not sure whether Orson Welles would have lit a face like this" You see words are open to individual interpretation as well as photos. You put your heart into this workshop and I was blessed to be a part of the journey. A New Friend for sure.....
Stay amused
