Monday, October 15, 2007

from the bottom of the earth

It seems funny to me that I traveled all the way to Cape Point on the southernmost tip of Africa and ended up taking portraits of people. Nevermind the fact that the place is one of the most beautiful on earth and should be photographed for its beauty but I was drawn to this guy with his flag. The night before England played France in the Rugby World Cup and England won so he was celebrating. Rugby is a really big deal in South Africa and throughout much of the world (South Africa advanced to the finals the next night...that was crazy).

I saw this man pull out his flag and his friends began taking his picture so I wanted to do that as well. I went over to him and simply asked if I could take his picture and he was happy to oblige. You can see from the picture that the weather was not great. It was raining and I am certain he wanted to go get dry. In any event, he gave me one quick pose then made this face that said "Yeah, we won!!!" I took two shots.

The weather was a bit of a disappointment, but I did manage a few landscapes shots that I liked and have included one here. In my opinion, the rugby fan is far more interesting.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Steve - I've had much the same experience. 2 national parks, a couple of national monuments and preserves and all I've taken are pictures of people, people, people :) A few landscape snaps but mostly its been a traveling tour of taking pictures of Amanda. A whole lot of fun. A whole lot of pictures, but not too many of where we were.

I like the guy celebrating - captures his emotion well.